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16 April 2018 - Paint Chips

How to Contract for a Painting Job

"It's the time of year again when many of us think about redecorating, especially interior painting. This is an improvement that any woman can undertake herself - and lots do. But suppose you would rather pay a pro to do it?"

Today's Almanac post is about hiring a professional painter to repaint your walls.

There is surprisingly some good information here.

Let's take a look:

Get a Referral
Ask around to see who has a good reputation.

Get a Signed Agreement
Specify the price you will pay, what areas are included, they types of paint(s) that will be used, and what will be done to protect the floors and furniture.
You also want something in writing about clean up after the job is done.
Finally, when will the painting job start and end. Get that in writing!

Make sure whoever you hire is insured. Employer's liability, public liability, and property damage insurance. 


Before the 1970's, paint was very different than what is used today.

How so you might ask?

One word...LEAD.

You see Lead Based Paint was used for a long time until people caught onto lead poisoning.
In 1971, the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act was passed.
In 1978, lead based paints were banned in the U.S.

Lead paints were being used as early as the 4th century B.C.
It was even dangerous then too as there are written texts listing the health effects of workmen who handled the paints.

Lead paint is hazardous!
Lead is actually sweet tasting which makes it very dangerous for kids who can put paint chips or toys with lead paint in their mouths.

Lead poisoning can lead to kidney failure, damage to the nervous system, and lots lots more.

If you have a home that was build before 1978, when lead based paint was banned, you should have your walls tested.
If there is lead paint in your home, you need to have a professional come in and do a removal.


Now that we have talked about the dangers of lead, maybe this is a good time to say that Flint, Michigan still has lead in their drinking water.

Yet for some reason Michigan can let Nestle pump water from a town nearby Flint to sell, but can't find a way to give the people of Flint safe water.

Don't like a CNN link, well here is another, and recently where Nestle is trying to gain more water to pump and sell.

I already don't like Nestle.

But really, it's 2018 and we have lead in our water.
We can't have lead in paint that isn't for consumption but it's evidently ok to just let an entire town be poisoned by it in their water.

How backwards have we gone?

Let's think progress and voters that is your responsibility!
The next gubernatorial election in Michigan will be this year November 6, 2018.

Let Your Vote Be Heard!


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