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9 January 2018 - Suff-Rage

To Cast an Intelligent Ballot, Be Informed

Today's almanac post is a reminder that we not only have a duty to our family and our homes, but a civic duty to our community. Participate in your local, state, and national elections.

"Intelligent participation is achieved through information about issues and candidates."

Since last year I have been more determined to become more informed about politics.

I want to know who my representatives are and what they stand for.
 So I can contact them and pester them if they vote on something I don't agree on.

It's even easier today in 2018 to keep in touch with your favorite (or not favorite) politicians with social media. Facebook has a great function called "Town Hall" that will automatically connect you with your representatives by you providing your location.

Our reading today suggests you join your local League of Woman Voters.


I have never heard of them.

click clack google

Founded by Carrie Chapman Catt who was an American Woman Suffrage leader who campaigned for the 19th amendment to give women the right to vote.

Carrie was born on January 9, 1859. 

Women in across America were given the right to vote on August 18, 1920

Less than a century ago

Reading her wiki I'm inspired by her determination as well as turned off by some of her views on other issues.

(like wow)

But this is why the League was created. It was a nonpartisan organization that was open to all citizens of voting age. The goal is to inform voters on candidates and issues of the day. Inviting discussion for everyone to bring to the meetings.

Today there are Leagues all over America that still meet to inform voters.

You don't have to join this group.

What you should be doing is staying informed.

You can't stay informed by closing off discussion and refusing to listen.

It can be hard to have discussion when someone doesn't agree with your viewpoint. It can be very offending. If that is your emotional response you need to practice on listening more to the objections so you can formulate a response. 

Who knows maybe someone will change your mind or show you something in a new light.

Just look at the face our Homemaking Heroine. She isn't afraid to investigate someone who wants her vote! It's not just about aligning yourself with a political party. Voting is about making an impact in your community!

Frankly, today I am disgusted by people who attempt to run for political office for reasons other than to serve. Whether the position is for local city council to state representatives. 

I want for politicians to realize the severity of their situation when confronted with an intelligent and informed voter. 

So get out there and inform yourself on what the people in your community are doing in your name with your vote.


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