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16 January 2018 - Pardon Me, Do you have an Axminster?

Today's Almanac Post

What's an Axminster Carpet?


What is with the 1970's and woven tapestries?

I can't even today.





But it's not just any rug.

It's name brand. Straight outta Axminster England. Your grandma's grandma probably had one of these in her parlor. 

You know what I got?

A floor lamp from IKEA.
Actually I have a lot of things from IKEA.

A toddler toy storage shelf. Kids dressers. A lovely lamp. A large pink rug for my daughters room to cover a stain. A coffee mug and a vanilla scented candle.

I've followed in the steps of the minimalist movement in the sense that I want my things to make sense for what function they have to assist my life.

Does that make any sense?

I can't with a rug that is just there for the name sake.

The queen of England is not coming over for noon tea and if she did I can assume she would like my lovely IKEA lamp more than the cereal covered floor she walked in on.

We recently spent our last two weekends making IKEA trips. It started out with "I need things for the kid's toys to go in" and ended with a coatrack, spice jars, new plates, new cups, new silverware, new dish towels, and lamp that we had to come back to get their special light bulb.

I love IKEA!
We get lost, frustrated, and act like detectives trying to figure out if the item we need comes with two or three extra boxes in the warehouse.

We always stop for meatballs and chocolate cake.
Our kids love jumping on all the displays.

I have a feeling if I took my American booty into an Axminster England carpet shop I would be tisked at a lot.


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