Scotch Woodcock - Two Recipes
"From Mrs. Beeton's nineteenth century homemaking guide: Spread hot buttered toast thinly with anchovy paste. Pour over a sauce made by stirring three beaten egg yolks into 1/4 pint cream, bring to a boiling point, but do not allow to boil or the sauce will curdle."
This is a traditional Victorian recipe as you can tell because we get a return from Mrs. Beeton in today's Almanac post. Basically this becomes a creamy scrambled egg on toast with anchovy paste.
This is the second recipe for today
"Add finely chopped hard cooked eggs to a white sauce that has been seasoned with anchovy sauce and paprika. Pour over toast."
If you are wondering what eggs has to do with the title of the recipe just know that most Scottish recipes that contain chicken in it will have the word "Cock" in there too.
(Don't blush you prudes)
I'm not trying to be silly.
(Get your head out of the gutter)
Take for example Cock a Leekie Soup.
Not only is that just a great thing to say three times fast but it is literally leeks in a peppered chicken broth.
I'm sure intrigued by these recipes today!
Is it any good??
I mean anchovy paste?
Also referred to as Gentleman's Relish.
(If you don't believe me Google it!)
Anchovy is a salty additive so it isn't uncommon to see it in recipes.
(Again this is true)
Here is a picture of what a Victorian Scotch Woodcock looks like via Genius Kitchen.
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