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8 January 2018 - Panophobia


Removing Stains from Resilient Floors

I'm going to type out this small paragraph in the book.

Read to the end...

"To prevent permanent damage, stains and spots should be removed as quickly as possible from any kind of floor or flooring. When your particular problem concerns a resilient flooring, remember to refer to the helpful table that you will find in the Appendix at the back of this book. It was compiled especially to solve stain problems on asphalt and vinyl asbestos tile floors"


You know that stuff that is dangerous if the microscopic fibers become airborne?

Between the 1920's and 1980's asbestos was common to use in flooring and wallpaper. This was due to it's low production cost, insulation, and fireproof qualities.

It wasn't until the 1990's that the dangerous health risks associated with exposure to asbestos were discovered. Today, many products using asbestos have been phased out. However, many homes and other buildings built before 1980 may still contain flooring and wallpaper that contains asbestos.

This look is just a combination of fear from stubborn stains and future cancer scares.


Let's go back to stubborn stain removal!

The Appendix in the book is actually pretty neat!
For today's post there isn't anything new on cleaning floors and stains though.

The best way is to clean that mess and prevent the stain is to get to it as quick as you can.

What cleaner should you use?

It actually just said regular dish soap or standard cleaner.

There isn't a magical recipe for cleaning.


I've been using regular Dawn blue dishwashing soap, vinegar, and baking soda for a lot of household cleaning. Elbow grease also goes a long way.

Just get on that Pinterest Fam and you will see what I'm talking about!

This new year:
Get to those spills before they seep in
Google "asbestos in products" and get afraid of everything


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