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22 May 2018 - Paranoia Paranoia, Everybody's Coming to Get Me

Can You Improve Your Home Security?

"A house can never be made entirely safe from intruders intent on stealing household goods or doing harm, but a householder can discourage them."

This topic gives me anxiety.
I have the worst trust issues.
I think the worst of people until they can convince me otherwise.

I have a large dog who, at night, thumps her body loudly on the floor at night to go to sleep.
Chica has huge dog bed but no, she has to loudly lay down on the floor outside my door.
Every time she does this I think that someone is breaking into the house!

It's 2018.
We have some issues people.

Theft is a symptom of our overall community issues.
People talk about the 'good ole days' when you could sleep with your doors unlocked at night.
Spoilers: Sometimes people do still when they forget to check the doors at night.

I like to put myself in the shoes of a thief.
What would push me to steal?
I have three kids.
Their well being would push me to steal.

Some people have addictions.
Addiction is a cruel mistress.
If that mistress demands a fix, you can't help yourself but to find a way to please her.

Some young people see the struggles of their parents.
Trying to work to pay the bills.
Struggling to feed their family, to keep a roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs.
Kids want to help.
Kids will steal if they think they can help their family.

Just remember these points before judging others too harshly.

But today is about discouraging others from stealing from you.

Our Homemaker Heroine has installed a "peep hole" to see who is at the door.

Today, we can have video cameras by our door.
They turn on when someone rings the door bell or if it sense someone is standing there so you can see who is there without going to the door.

There are some old school devices that still recommended today.

Motion detecting lights are a popular one.
You can shine a light on someone trying to sneak around your property.

Guard dogs are another option.
My Labrador is a giant dog.
Remember from above the loud thumping?
We once had a FedEx driver refuse to come to our house because she was outside barking at him.
She is harmless ... or is she?

Invest in a security system.
If you live in a high crime risk area or you feel that your home valuables need some extra protection, then having a security system installed could be a good idea.
Just remember this fun fact though, the BTK killer worked for a company installing security systems.

In case of an emergency, have all your local police and fire department phone numbers added to your cell phone contacts or written by your landline phone.

In America, 911 is the universal emergency number.

I only mention this because my reader pool is expanding to some different countries!
So check your local emergency contacts for preparedness.


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