Natural Fabrics Are Still With Us
"Once upon a time when a woman went shopping, she was sure to come home with clothing and household furnishings made of cotton, linen, silk, or wool."
Today's post is about Man Made fabrics vs Natural Fabrics.
Today you might even see terms like "organic" fabric.
Organic fabrics are made from cotton, bamboo, hemp, or other sustainable textiles.
These clothes might even be called "Vegan" if they are contain no animal products like feathers, wools, fur, or silk.
Vegan fabrics can be synthetic so it isn't always Organic.
I seriously do not know how we as a collective society got to this point.
We are choosing what type of clothing to wear based on how the source was treated.
This is one of the worst cases of our privilege.
How much brain power do some people waste on this?
It is so annoying that I don't even want to write about it.
Our Almanac goes into a lot of detail about these different things.
Maybe I would give a darn if I had a medical condition that I needed to only wear natural clothing.
I mean they seriously made paper out of elephant poop.
If you do not believe me here is the link!
My favorite part of this entire website is that they are promoting it as good for the earth but I'm sure that with delivery, the packaging and fuel used to get it to you isn't made of poop.
Dear God,
You can shop for products by what animal poop it is made of.
These sheep are not standing around their own wool fabric here.
This sheep has seen it all.
Humans straight up made something out his poop and is mad he didn't think of the idea first.
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