Care Tips for Garments Made of Qiana
"When pressing or ironing garments made of the fiber Qiana, use a steam iron on a low wool setting. This applies for washable and non-washable garments."
I know what you are thinking.
What is Qiana?
This is a synthetic fabric that was developed in 1962.
This was really intended for high end fashion and became popular when marketed as faux silk clothing items.
From my research it seems that you can't find clothes made from Qiana anymore.
This is because the material was very hard to sew.
I found that one manufacturer had issues with machines or needles breaking because it was hard to penetrate the fabric.
What made the fabric was popular among consumers because it behaved like silk but barely wrinkled.
In the end, to produce clothing made from Qiana was more expensive than using actual silk.
So production eventually ended.
Another reason that the fabric fell out of fashion trends is because it became widely associated with DISCO!
When disco died in the 80's it took it's fashion sense with it.
The fabric wasn't really useful for everyday wear.
You shouldn't wear it in warm climate if you might sweat one drop.
Qiana soaks it up and left unsightly sweat spots.
You can find a lot of vintage Qiana clothing online.
The price can vary depending on the condition of the item.
I suggest you take a look.
If you have any in your closet it might be time to sell!
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